5 ideas to wear pleated skirts

Now, as the spring arrived, we start to get out thin clothes from the wardrobe, the shoes, the dresses and your mood of shopping to find some bargain gets back … at least, that’s what I want to do.

Easter celebrations have passed so fast this year. We ate a lot (we start the diet for sure), we enjoyed our dear ones, and I was a little closer to God, by faith and good thoughts.

Returning to dresses and sunny days, some time ago, a friend asked me how she could wear a pleated skirt. She had just bought one and wanted to wear it, with several outfits. I rolled my sleeves and said that this is an idea of good material, for us all.🙂

Before exemplifying with pictures, as they are the most eloquent, you have to consider the following important issues when you want to buy a pleated skirt:

  1. the skirt must be high-waisted! is the most important MUST! why? simple: because it highlights the waistline, and because it lifts the silhouette;
  2. when you buy a high-waisted pleated skirt, try it on and take a smaller number than you usually wear for your trousers. why? because the waist is in most cases, thinner than the hips and the skirt has to fit well in the waist. You will not have any problems with the hips because it has a V shape;
  3. it is recommended to take skirts slightly over your knees. why? because no matter if you are short and a liitle fat, this skirt will look wonderful with some heels, you will have the expected effect: longer, thinner legs, meaning a thinner silhouette;

With the skirt in the wardrobe or in mind, let’s play a little, with the ways it can be worn:

1.The classic version where we put a shirt (preferred cambered), inside the skirt. The shirt can be of any material, cotton, jean, silk and can be accessorised with heels shoes or without heels, with a postman handbag, envelope or bag.

2.Pleated skirt with a sweater. I recommend it inside the skirt, an exception however is for those sweaters that are shorter and your silhouette is filiform. For extra leg stretching, I recommend the stiletto shoes.

3.The skirt with t-shirt can be worn with casual shoes or sandals with heels.

4.Leather jacket, sport shoes, or boots without heels, are another casual way to wear pleated skirts.

5.If you are more daring, then I recommend wearing the pleated skirt as in the pictures below. Oversized sweaters, dress over the skirt, socks with shoes or large coats.

I wore the pleated skirt in all the options above at the office, park, restaurant, and even for a christening with a pair of shining sandals.


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