Maternity fashion in the last century

The most beautiful thing God gave to us, women, is to give life! It is the greatest joy and the most beautiful feeling that a woman can have when she found that is pregnant and in her womb grows and comes to life a new little soul.

Before experiencing this unique feeling, I could not understand what my friends were talking about. I did not hear children on the street, I could not see clothes for children in stores, I did not feel close to them. It may sound strange, may sound harsh, but that’s how I felt then. I loved, them, but different, more detached. Now when I am a mommy, my whole world revolves around him. My whole life is his life. I am living for him and for his happiness and I see all the children like they are mine. I feel them close to my heart and I love them all!
The amazing journey from finding out I was pregnant until giving birth meant a lot of changes to my body. The most visible change was obviously its shape. What do you know, surprise … I was becoming rounder every day, more and more, mothers out there know this slightly awkward feeling at the beginning.
I had no idea where to take my clothes to look decent and I began to ask other moms. Just between us, in that period and the only of my life, I could eat what I wanted without limit … but even without any limit and I was not any foodie who takes her revenge for life in terms of food (I am not a gourmet and I have never had food problems), but what I found out during the pregnancy is that no matter how much I was eating, there was always room for more. I know it seems strange, but considering that a little angel was already growing in my belly, I was, let’s say it, more “expressive” bloated 🙂
Returning to the clothes of that period, I was lucky to have many mothers friends besides me who guided me to places where I purchased the necessary items for my new look. I make a parenthesis and thank them for supporting me and being with me even when hormones became completely insane! I wore until the sixth month, when I had taken very little kg in addition, many of my clothes and a few pairs of jeans with tummy from H & M, especially for pregnant women. From the sixth month things started to change … basically becoming more and more visible and I had to buy from the Internet ( or LC Waikiki, a few pairs of pants , dresses, shirts and pajamas.
I must admit that in the last month of pregnancy, I was already a small balloon, but honestly I have not given up red lipstick and manicure! We can be beautiful if we take little weight too. On the day I gave birth I visited the cosmetics, which I did not give up any second, and then the manicure and hairdresser, because I had the prettiest and most special date of my life, the meeting with my baby and I had to look perfect!

I tried below to capture into images, the fashion of pregnant women in the last century. Each period has its footprint to the cloths worn by the following mothers. At every picture I put the year it was made and where necessary, the person who wore that outfit.
I invite you to step into a selection of collection images and enjoy together the best moments in a woman’s life!
I challenge you, mothers or future mothers to share those unique moments through pictures posted on facebook on this material.


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